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Faculty Development: Question 2

Question 2

2. My attending encouraged me to learn and to ask questions.  2022 Ave Score 4.80 (N=1039) 2021 Ave. Score 4.79 (N=1085); 2020 Ave. Score 4.71 (n=1,124);    % 2022  responded Strongly Agree: 82%

Quick Use

  1. Teaching Self-Directed Learning and Reflection. 6 minute video. UWSMPH

  2. Using SNAPPS in a busy clinical setting. A MCHS 4 minute video introduction to  Summarize  Narrow Analyze Probe Plan Select. SNAPPS is a learner centered model that promotes active learning and asking questions. The video demonstrates each element as can be used in training at MCHS. This Power Point provides details for the model and a sample to try out.

  3. Teaching the Clinical Exam. 6 minute video. Basic, fundamentals.

Deep Dive

  1. Tools for Creating a Learning Environment. 32 minute lecture from UWSMPH

  2. Promoting Learning and Understanding  35 minute video from UWSMPH   promotes engagement of information into practice.

  3. Applying Adult Learning Tools in GME. 12-page article with 5 evidence based examples of application in GME.

  4. Promoting Self-directed learning in your residents. 27 minute lecture from UWSMPH

  5. Effective studying for high stakes examinations in residency/fellowship.  MCHS Med Ed Day 2022 Presentation.  It is a challenge for residents to find the time and the mental space to prepare for major texts/exams like USMLE Step 3, ITEs, CORE Exams, ABSITE, MPJE, NAPLEX, EPPP, Performance Improvement Plan knowledge based remediation and boards. The pandemic‘s impact has made this worse and leads to the need for us to become adaptive learners.    Part of being adaptive learners involves having a tool kit of simple, efficient and effective study strategies. The 2022 Medical Education Day keynote presentation by Dr. Cynthia Nabel, cognitive scientist at Vanderbilt University, introduced Six Strategies for Effective Teaching and Learning in Medical Education. We converted the 6 strategies into Study Strategy Snippets. Each snippet introduces the role of strategies and describes 1 strategy and its use. The videos are 4-6 minutes long and designed for easy application. 

           Clues for when to use the Study Strategy Snippets

For residents:  your practice questions  correct answer rate is low, your practice test scores are low,  you have a hard time setting up a study routine or schedule, worry about being prepared is interfering with your study.

For Faculty: if a resident appears to have knowledge gaps for what you expect at their level of training, if you wonder how a resident will do on an upcoming exam, if you sense a resident is not putting enough time into preparing for a test, if you hear a resident worrying about an upcoming exam.

For Program Directors: If your residents’ group pass rates are below your goals, faculty or other residents report concerns for a resident’s knowledge or how they will manage an upcoming test.

Ways to Use the Study Strategy Snippets

1. Start with reading a brief definition of each strategy. Then ask yourself (for faculty, ask the resident) “Have I been using this? How could I improve it?” Be honest.

2. Pick 2 strategies. Then view the 2 snippets several times, take a few notes on how you can set it up and then do it. For faculty and PDs, you can assign the resident to watch 2 snippets that may be fit their situation and have them report back to you in one week on what they are doing to implement it. Mentor them, Monitor them and Reinforce them. (Think MMR).

For residents: tell 1-2 people the strategies you are using and request they ask you if you are sticking to it.

Study Strategy Snippets

Strategy #1; Spacing    Spacing is taking the overall amount of time you would put into test preparation and spreading it out over a longer time period.  A 2022 literature review showed that spacing improved performance on USMLE and COMLEX while cramming for exams led to decreased performance. This is core strategy and one that we may forget to use due to the competing demands on our time.

Strategy #2: Interleaving   “Jumbling things up and reviewing them in different orders.” This benefits retention and reasoning with the information (especially useful for tests using cases, scenarios).

Strategy #3: Concrete Examples  Taking an abstract concept and using many concrete examples of it promotes transfer of knowledge.

Strategy #4: Elaboration   Elaboration is asking elaborative questions about material. Asking the how and why questions helps us engage, organize and retain the knowledge. This works well when the knowledge level is already high and the goal is to enhance application and deeper understanding of the information.

Strategy #5: Dual Coding   Combining modalities, such as visual and verbal information on the study material promotes learning and retention.

Strategy #6: Retrieval  This tool reinforces what was studied. “May be the most power strategy we discussed today in terms of learning a lot of material fast.”