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Faculty Development: Question 4

Question Four

4. My attending made it safe for me to bring up concerns without fear of reprisal.  2022 Ave. Score 4.80 (N=1039) 2021 Ave. Score 4.80 (N=1085); 2020  Ave. Score: 4.73  % 2022 Strongly Agree: 84%

Quick Use

  1. Harassment and Intimidation. 5 minute read RWBC topic page. Background, MCHS policies, management.

  2. Providing a Safe Environment for Intern Bedside Presentations. 5 minute video. Demonstrates key elements of providing safety for interns to present and learn.

  3. Constructive Worry (Dealing with errors). 5 minute read. Piece of My Mind 6/12/2018

  4. Despite My Best Intentions. (Dealing with mistakes) 5 minute read. Piece of My Mind 11/9/2017

  5. Medical Training and Errors: Competence, Culture, Caring, and Character. Article on errors in training, their management and the importance of addressing them directly. 10 minute read. Academic Medicine, 2019 (December)


Deep Dive

      1.  A Road Map for Advancing the Practice of Respect in Health Care: The Results of an Interdisciplinary Modified Delphi Consensus Study,  30 minute read. Addresses The Joint Commission's preparation to include assessment of respect to patients and staff due to its relationship to patient safety. Specific strategies noted that can be used in clinical, educational and management levels of a health care system. The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety (August 2018). 

      2.  The Role of Psychological Safety in Improving the Learning Environment. This is a 60 minute presentation at the 2020 ACGME Education Conference which provides background, research on impact and guidance on creating safety in clinical learning environments. To access the video you may need to set up a LEARN at ACGME account- takes a minute and is easy to do. Here is the NEJM article Cursed by Knowledge-Building a Culture of Psychological Safety which the presenters reference.