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Faculty Development: MCHS FD Presentations

MCHS Faculty Development Presentations


Listed here are faculty development presentations given at MCHS (starting with the most recently presented) with a short description of content and  links to the presentations.

Med Ed Day May 26,2022 Title: Six Strategies for Effective Teaching and Learning in Medical Education.  This 50-minute presentation concluded the annual Med Ed Day. Dr. Cynthia Nebel, cognitive psychology scientist at Vanderbilt University, presented 6 efficient, effective, and highly engagable stratiegies to help us become master adaptive learners. These strategies are especially important to use as pandemic repercussions have diminished our physical, emotional and cognitive resilience which shows up nationally in decreased performance on high stakes examinations in graduate medical education. Here is the link to resources Dr. Nebel shared in the presentation. 

Med Ed Day May 20, 2021 Title: Development During and After a Pandemic.  This 40-minute video invites faculty and residents to reflect on the experience of the last year with the pandemic and then develop a plan for moving forward into what an April 2021 JGME article called the Growth Zone.  Three organizing concepts to support this movement forward are explained- Intention, Innovation and Integrity. Suggestions are provided on how to engage the '3 Is' to support movement forward into the growth zone.

UWSMPH Special Grand Rounds May 29 2019. Title: Practical Tools for Building Our Learning Community. This 56 minute video introduces the UWSMPH Office of Faculty Affairs and Development (OFAD) Faculty Central Resources  website   and in particular the section on Developing Educators .  The one-minute preceptor page was reviewed and we used video demonstrations made at MCHS for how to use the strategy.  


Med Ed Day May 16 2019 title: How Can I Develop When I’m Barely Surviving. About 50 minute video which addressed stresses upon faculty, their impact and how to manage them so we can continue to develop. Specific Self-Care Survival Tools were presented. The Common Questions data for the last year (based on 649 resident evaluations) was presented. Program directors described faculty development activities in a number of programs and we shared the Mid-Rotation Feedback video  created by the Internal Medicine Residency Program.


Med Ed Day May 16 2019 Title: Self Preservation Strategies. About a 20-minute video  section of the faculty development presentation, provided by Dr. Jennifer Michels. It includes very practical tools for managing stress.


Med Ed Day 2018 title: Faculty Development Development. About 50 minute video  which introduced the Division of Education system-level faculty development activities. Presentation addressed the history of education and development starting with our founders, tenets of faculty development, introduction of the common questions in the resident evaluation of faculty and a live role play of providing goals at beginning of a rotation.


Faculty Development Grand Rounds February 2017 title: Assessment and Evaluation of Learners. A 48 minute   video that addresses the challenges and strategies for improvement in our assessment and evaluation of learners. Very practical and applicable presentation on the use of EPAs, milestones and other concepts as discussed in the 2014 FD presentation (see below)  


Special Grand Rounds September 2015 Title: Character-based Leadership: The Leadership work of Guiding Change. A 2 hour video presentation by The Center for Character-based Leadership and the University of St. Thomas. A leadership development presentation that relates to our roles in teaching, supervision, practice, research.Addresses the Knowledge, Skills and Attitude aspects of competent leadership. Excellent introduction and useful for updating and reflecting on growth in leadership behavior.


Faculty Development Grand Rounds October 2014 title: Milestones, Competencies & EPAs. 45 minute video introduction to milestones, competencies, objectives and entrustable professional activities. Addresses how to consider these in resident evaluations.

Questions or Suggestions for Faculty Development or the Website?

Mark Ridder, M.D.                   Division of Education Faculty Development Lead