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Faculty Development: Mission


Faculty Development will refer to all activities health professionals pursue to improve their knowledge, skills and behaviors as teachers and educators, leaders and managers, and researchers and scholars, in both individual and group settings.

Faculty Development in the Health Professions, (Steinert 2009)


Faculty development involves the application of the competency model of learning. Knowledge, skills and attitude are all important areas of development in our lifelong learning as faculty. The tenets were identified in the faculty development presentation on Med Ed Day 2018. The 14 minute presentation is linked here.


The Division of Education’s faculty development mission is to provide resources designed for the busy clinical faculty member that foster growth in the roles faculty members perform at MCHS (teacher, supervisor, researcher, mentor, and leader). The mission embraces the MCHS Mission, Vision and Core Values,


We will prioritize the use of resources that are simple, efficient and effective. Faculty development will be presented in ways to maximize engagement and implementation. We will use evidence based critical components of faculty development including

  • experiential learning
  • provision of feedback
  • effective peer and colleague relationships
  • well-designed interventions following principles of teaching and learning
  • diversity of educational methods (Steinert, 2009)


The DOE faculty development mission embraces ACGME Common Program Requirements (July 1 2019 revisions CPR II.B.2,g 1-4)  which identify 4 components for faculty development:

  • as educators
  • in quality improvement and patient safety
  • in fostering their own and their residents’ well-being
  • in patient care based on their practice-based learning and improvement efforts

Questions or Suggestions for Faculty Development or the Website?

Mark Ridder, M.D.                   Division of Education Faculty Development Lead