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Faculty Development: Question 7

Question 7

7. My attending encouraged me to put the needs of patients first by being caring and sensitive to their specific needs.

                                                                                    2022 Ave. Score 4.85 (N=1039) 2021 Ave. Score 4.83 (N=1085); 2020 Ave. Score 4.78 (N=1,124);   % 2022 Strongly Agree: 85%

Quick Use

  1. Being THAT MCHS doctor. 7 minute video of MCHS doctors excelling at patient care. Med Ed Day 2018

  2. Cleveland Clinic Empathy Video 2013 4:23 video on perspective as patients enter a clinic 

    “If you could stand in someone else’s shoes….Hear what they hear. See what they see. Feel what they feel. Would you treat them differently?”  Watch this video and then answer the question.

  3. Cleveland Clinic Empathy Video 2014  5:52 video  Patients Afraid and Vulnerable  “ I can tell within seconds of a care giver entering the room of whether they are in the moment and actually caring about me.” Addresses the patient experience of hearing a serious diagnosis.

  4. By What Words will you be remembered? Your patients remember how you tell them bad news. Your words matter. This 6 minute video provides patient examples of hurtful encounters from their physicians and comforting ones as well. This is direct, real, provides perspective on what it feels like ot be the patient and very simple, efficient and effective ways to do better.

  5. The difference between care and caring. 3 minute video  portrayal of staff engage caring for patients. What seems like small things, makes all the difference in the world.

  6. Introduction to Communication Skills in Clinical Medicine,36 slide presentation of fundamentals. OSCEHOME

  7. Social Determinants of Health. 6 minute video introduction.

  8. Assessing Social Determinants of Health: PRAPARE. Website developed to assess and address SDOH.

  9. Practical Tools for Patient Engagement. Resource Email 10,   January 2020    5 minute read

Deep Dive

  1. What Does “Explanation” Mean To Our Patients? A Patient Panel. 50 minute video MCHS Grand Rounds July 20,2018

  2. Here is a Marshfield physician model of putting patient needs first. Dr. William Hocking, oncologist and past president of MCHS, provided the keynote presentation at the 2014 Resident Retreat on the topic of Vulnerability and Resilience. The 42 minute video poignantly demonstrates caring, meaning and sources of resilience in practice.