All works referenced, used, copied or adapted (with or without permission) must have an attribution or a citation providing credit to the author of a work and the source of the information. Some points to remember:
This work is in the public domain as work prepared by an officer or employee of the United States Government.
Journal Article Citation Order: Author (s), year of publication, article title (sentence case, no italics), Journal name (in italics), volume number (in italics), issue number, page number range of the article. DOI and link (if available)
Example: Tripathi, A., Obata, Y., Ruzankin, P., Askaryar, N., Berkowitz, D. E., Steppan, J., & Barodka, V. (2017). A pulse wave velocity based method to assess the mean arterial blood pressure limits of autoregulation in peripheral arteries. Frontiers in Physiology, 8, 855.
Example of Reference Retrieved From the Internet: The Joint Commission (2011). Sound the Alarm: Managing Physiologic Monitoring Systems. The Joint Commission Perspectives on Patient Safety, 11(12).